Wow, Santa.
What's that weird glow in the window?
Is it a nuclear bunny?
Leave me a message!



Tulum etc.
St. Louis
Rte 66 +
Holidays 2002
Kauai 2004

It was a sunset-filled month. I didn't realize that until I put this page together. Almost every holiday was celebrated with a beautiful sunset, and some, like my birthday, got them both before and on the day! Wheeeee!!!


To the right are the pre-birthday celebratory sunsets shots, and below are those from the day.

Scottsdale, AZ, near the airport.
Fancy lights, and look at that sky! And I'm on my way to one of the wackiest birthday evenings I've had!


A Cave Creek office building shows off the sunset in its eyes.
Want to see it directly? Ok.

Christmas and New Year's Eve

Merry Christmas from my brother David!
Nuclear Bunnies Rule!
Happy New Year leaning out my window!!!!


A more traditional Christmas image - the tree in the Missouri Botanical Gardens.
And a hope for spring - the witch hazel is blooming already! Yee-ha!


©1999-2006 All pictures, original artwork, text, everything! Mine! Karen A. Williams.