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Tulum etc.
St. Louis
Rte 66 +
Holidays 2002
Kauai 2004


What's new
01/02/2005 Kauai Dec. 2004 - A few pix from Kauai, Hawaii, the week of 12/25/2004 - 01/01/2005. More may come later...
11/29/2003 A Guest Book! I now have a Guest Book! - Leave me a message if you like. And keep it clean, or at least kind.
1/3/2003 December. The month of beautiful, peaceful sunsets. - This December was, anyhow. Happy holidays.
9/30/2002 It started out on Rte. 66 - Then I went astray. Still, you can see a bit of what the cross-country trip is like.
9/8/2002 Good ol' St. Louis MO - It's home, it's lovely, it's Gypsy Pepper time!
8/7/2002 Austin TX - Bubba and nothin' but.
4/19/2002 Arizona and New Mexico - Chaco Canyon, Eagle Nest, Cimarron Canyon and then home
2/17/2002 More pictures from Mexico - Tulum, Uxmal, Chichen Itza
5/9/2000 Pictures from Arizona - Phoenix and Tucson
2/27/2000 Pictures from Mexico - Palenque, Misol-ha, and Tuxtla Gutierrez, all in Chiapas Mexico.



  This page was last updated on 11/29/2003.

©1999-2006 All pictures, original artwork, text, everything! Mine! Karen A. Williams.